This study provides an appropriate technique for predicting MMP considering the capillary pressure and solubility on well performance of tight reservoirs. pressure at which the swelling factor reduces to zero is 3796 psi at 80 C and 4627 psi at 120 C. subsequently, an already incorporated correlation for MMP is utilized, considering the effect of nanopore confinement.

A huge deviation between VIT and slim-tube is noted while measuring MMP for dead-oil, due to deficiency of multiple contacts miscibility and stabilization of heavier fractions. This study presents MMP determination experimentally using. Subsequently, results obtained from VIT are compared with slim-tube results and the relative error was found 4.86% for recombined-oil and 23.36% for dead-oil. Therefore, MMP measurement is performed using WinProp to validate correlations for tight oil samples. This study presents MMP determination experimentally using VIT for tight oil samples in both recombined-oil and dead-oil conditions. Therefore, MMP measurement is performed using WinProp to validate correlations for tight oil samples. Instead, the existing MMP correlations need to be modified for tight reservoirs that might result in reliable MMP. However, the presence of nanopores in tight formations influences phase equilibrium, causing reduction in MMP. The laboratory procedures for MMP determination recognized in the oil industry are slim-tube, rising-bubble, or vanishing interfacial tension (VIT).

the effect of N2 impurity in CO2 gas mixture injection was also simulated and investigated.CO 2-injection is one of the capable processes in EOR from low-permeable reservoirs and MMP determination is a key factor in estimating the displacement efficiency of the CO 2 in the EOR processes. View Notes - 2011WinPropTutorial from PETROLEUM PE241 at Mansoura University.
#Minimum miscibility pressure winprop simulator#
the MMP results from winprop and GEM simulator and slim tube test data were reported. recovery plots versus pressure were generated to calculate MMP. WinProp creates ternary diagrams to graphically interpret the miscibility mechanism.

#Minimum miscibility pressure winprop software#
after that, compositional simulation is carried out with GEM software and computer model slim tube was produced to examine the miscibility. MMP of the separator gas is determined through CMG WINPROP. Carbon dioxide minimum miscibility pressure with nanopore confinement in tight oil. slim tube experiment, the minimum miscible pressure (MMP) of CH4 and CO2 is determined. in this study the whitson method was used to lump oil components and the winprop simulator was used to calculate MMP values for the selected oil sample during CO2 injection. Therefore, MMP measurement is performed using WinProp to validate. compositional simulators require accurate EOS fluid characterization to make useful predictions. the injection of a miscible gas into the reservoir often results in complex phase behavior that can be captured only by compositional simulators. In this work, a set of PVT data of an oil reservoir was selected from PVT reports of the french petroleum compant TOTALFINAELF to perform a study the effect of N2 impurity in CO2 gas mixture during EOR process. Miscible CO2 injection is one of the most efficient methods enhanced oil recovery the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) as a basin parameter plays an important role in the miscible gas injection processes.